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Lots going on at Local Take these days! New designers (and their amazing products), awards ceremonies and a second location.  Yep, lots of exciting stuff.

Every day we wonder how we could have gotten so lucky to work with such amazing artists and designers!  There is some crazy talent in the Bay Area.  Two new designers that we're especially in love with right now:

Oktopus Riot cutting boards - Creates cutting, cheese and paddle boards out of scrap wood left over from the furniture she makes.  What's hotter than a female furniture maker?  One that uses her scrap wood until there's only sawdust left!

H-Luv Fabrications - Creates soft sculpture inventions in the shape of cats, bunnies and mushrooms from scrap, upcycled, repurposed and new fabric.  All works are unique, no two are alike.

Do you know about the Academy of Handmade?
The Academy of Handmade supports, connects and celebrates makers through programming, content and community.  They are an amazing resource for makers and their supporters (like us!).

Drum roll please... We are super excited to announce that we've been nominated for an Academy of Handmade award!  We'll find out on Monday if we made it to the short-list of finalists and if we'll be going to the Awards Ceremony in LA next month.

Local Take Inner Sunset coming soon!

We're chugging along on the new Inner Sunset store and will give you a sneak peek in just a few weeks.  And to answer the question we've been asked so many times... YES, there will be an opening party (and you're invited)!  We can't wait to show off our new baby.

See you soon!

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